Health Clubs Leaders Meet to Discuss Successes, Challenges, and a Way Forward

Reported by Rebero Jean d'Amour
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July 2020

Health Clubs Leaders Meet to Discuss Successes, Challenges, and a Way Forward

Reported by Rebero Jean d'Amour, Story written by Amanda Mulder

On July 24, 2020, Water Project staff held a training for twenty-six hygiene clubs’ leaders to talk about the facilitation, formation and operation of hygiene clubs in all villages of Rukumberi sector. During the meeting, we discussed some of the successes of existing hygiene clubs, like holding monthly meetings, saving together to purchase medical insurance for vulnerable families, and building toilets for families in need. We also discussed the sources of challenges like changing leadership, lack of training for leaders, and the challenges of continuing work during COVID-19 lockdowns.


Finally, the group discussed a way forward for existing and planned hygiene clubs. We discussed ways to garner additional support from local leaders, how to create better organizational structures for clubs, and prioritizing messages about washing hands.

Country: Rwanda
District: Ngoma
Sector: Rukumberi
Cell: Rubona
Families receive extensive training on the operation and maintenance of their household filter as well as basic health and hygiene skills like handwashing, germ transmission, whole-body bathing, and water contamination risks.