Meetings with Community Stakeholders in Rukumberi

Reported by Amanda Mulder
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November 2019

Meetings with Community Stakeholders in Rukumberi

Reported by Amanda Mulder

On November 7th, Water Project staff held a meeting with community stakeholders from the Rukumberi to discuss the Water Project roll-out in the sector. Staff invited Church Network Committee members, school head teachers, health center leaders, and local government leaders to attend. The goal of the meeting was to explain how the Water Project operates and the role of each participants in the long-term success and sustainability of the Water Project in the area. The 45 attendees of the meeting were enthusiastic about the benefits of the Water Project for their community. They understand the great value of access to clean water to reduce water-borne diseases in their community.

On November 20th, Water Project staff held a similar meeting with 68 village leaders and Community Health Workers. The message was similar, but also covered the role that village leaders and health workers play in selecting recipient families.

Country: Rwanda
District: Ngoma
Sector: Rukumberi
Cell: Ntovi
Volunteers are the key to our success. All volunteers receive training on water, sanitation and hygiene principles as well as how to build, operate and maintain filter technologies. Volunteers complete a certification program that ensures they are prepared to train and support recipients.