RWHS Built at Local Church

Reported by Rebero Jean d'Amour
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January 2021

RWHS Built at Local Church

Reported by Rebero Jean d'Amour, Story written by Amanda Mulder

Vedaste is the Church Leader for Assmeblies of God Sholi, which recently received a completed Rain Water Harvest System. Vedaste told us, "This water tank installed at our church will be used by church members and neighboring people to have the access to rainwater. Before the installation of the water tank at this church, water from the roof was not collected and could destroy some properties around the church. Now I am happy because this system will collect rain water and prevent the damage. And the water tank will help the church to build a social relationship between the church and neighboring people. I praise God for receiving this water tank and we commit ourselves to maintain and protect it to ensure its sustainability."

Country: Rwanda
District: Ngoma
Sector: Rukumberi
Cell: Rubona
Village: Shyembe
We place these rainwater collection tanks at centrally-located churches, which shortens the walk for water and improves water quality. Churches sell the water at an affordable rate and use the income to maintain the system. Remaining funds are given to the poorest members of the community for school fees, health insurance, and other basic needs.