First SAM3 Household Filters Distributed in Rukumberi

Reported by Rebero Jean d'Amour
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September 2020

First SAM3 Household Filters Distributed in Rukumberi

Reported by Rebero Jean d'Amour, Story written by Amanda Mulder

In the month of September 2020, Water Project volunteers from Rukumberi were able to start to distributing SAM3 household filters and reached 67 households with filters. Before COVID-19, volunteers were trained on sifting and washing sand and hygiene promotion as well as theory of filters assembling. They could practice filters assembling, use and maintenance of water filters during lockdown. But it wasn't until recently that they were able to actually distribute any filters. Volunteers also trained filters beneficiaries on filter use and maintenance as well as hygiene promotion.

Country: Rwanda
District: Ngoma
Sector: Rukumberi
Cell: Rubona
SAM3 (Sand And Membrane) filters are placed in households for a family and their neighbors. They meet WHO's standards and requires no electricity to function, making it ideal for rural communities. Each family receives extensive training and ongoing volnteer support to maintain the filter for it's 10-year-plus lifespan.