Volunteers Complete Home Visits and Solution Checks
Reported by Chip Kragt, Story written by Amanda MulderVolunteers performed 294 home visits in the sectors of Gashora and Mwogo with an emphasis on encouraging recipients to regularly backwash filters. All filters visited were working well – possibly better than previously as the recent rain improved the quality of water available before filtering [rain water is much cleaner than swamp water].
All SAM 2 Community Filters were also checked in the reporting period and are working well. However, Volunteers did address an issue with the SAM2 Community filter at the Kibungo Primary school. While the filter works well, it was not being fully utilized. There were recent leadership changes at the school. By engaging the new leaders, volunteers were able to address this challenge quickly. Now, the filter is serving school children, staff and the community surrounding the school.
Country: | Rwanda |
District: | Bugesera |
Sector: | Gashora |