83 SAM3 Filters Distributed in Rwamibibi Village

Reported by Consolée UWIMANA
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May 2022

83 SAM3 Filters Distributed in Rwamibibi Village

Reported by Consolée UWIMANA, Story written by Amanda Mulder

In May, Water Project volunteers were able to distribute 83 SAM3 household filters to families in Rwamibibi Village in Rukumberi sector. Volunteers were also able to visit 137 families with SAM3 household filters, 6 facilities with SAM2 community filters, and 7 churches with rain water harvest systems. All systems were found in working condition.

Country: Rwanda
District: Ngoma
Sector: Rukumberi
Cell: Ntovi
SAM3 (Sand And Membrane) filters are placed in households for a family and their neighbors. They meet WHO's standards and requires no electricity to function, making it ideal for rural communities. Each family receives extensive training and ongoing volnteer support to maintain the filter for it's 10-year-plus lifespan.